About Us
Rhoda N. Molbog
Republic Act 8292, also known as the Higher Education Modernization Act of 1997, mandates higher learning institutions to undertake more and varied income generation activities to continuously sustain the four functional areas of State Universities and Colleges (SUCs): Instruction, Research, Extension, and Production. This further requires that properties and facilities of the University should no longer be used solely for instructional purposes but for income generation as well. Moreover, the declining government subsidies or fund cutbacks has become a threat for SUCs to support and meet the changing and increasing demands of their clientele.
In view of those circumstances, the University must ensure the sustainability of its different production and income-generating projects through a real business management approach. Hence, the Business Affairs Office (BAO) was created to serve as the unit responsible for the effective and efficient management of such production and resource-generation activities.
In line with the creation of this unit, operational procedures and implementing guidelines and policies must properly be laid out to assist all concerned personnel and direct all present and future production income-generating activities of the University.
With the adoption of the new MarSU Organizational Structure through BOT Resolution No. 39 series of 2011, the Business Affairs Office was renamed Production Services Office (PSO) under the Office of the Vice-President for Administration. The same BOT resolution created the Income-Generating (IGP) Unit under the PSO.
In 2015 alongside the revision of its Manual of Operations, restructuring of the Production Services Office was initiated for a more strategic management of the University’s businesses or IGPs, hence the name Business Affairs Office was restored. The new structure of the BAO allows for a more efficient and effective operations, further empowering the unit, thus achieving more viable, profitable, and sustainable IGPs.
Effective development, implementation and management of production programs, projects, and activities in enhancing the financial capability of the University that will serve as a model in entrepreneurship ventures for instruction among students and the community.
- Maximize the College’s physical, financial, human, and technical resources in generating income in support of its four-fold functions.
- Showcase the University’s instruction, research, extension outputs for income generation.
- Provide opportunities to the University faculty and staff in augmenting their income.
- Provide employment opportunities for Marinduqueños.
The duty of the Business Affairs Office (BAO) is to perform the overall management of all income-generating projects and activities of the school. Specifically, it functions to:
- Coordinate the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the income-generating projects (IGPs) and activities of the University.
- Supervise and monitor the implementation of the IGPs of the University in line with the approved policies and guidelines.
- Evaluate the financial performance of the present and future production/ IGPs of the University.
- Initiate activities that would enhance interest of the employees of the University to engage in production ad IGPs.