About Us

Asst. Prof. Emelita R. Rodelas. MAEd, RGC


The MSC Guidance and Counseling Office is an integral component of Marinduque State University. It is one of the offices under the supervision of the Office of the Vice President for Academic Affairs, sharing the responsibility of fulfilling the Vision, Mission, Ten-Point agenda and Thrust of the college.

This office is committed to provide excellent services which promotes the welfare and success of students through the implementation of a quality and need-based Guidance and Counseling Program and use of integrated approaches in the delivery of service that focuses on helping the students to develop to their full potential, enhance their academic skills, gain appropriate career development perspectives and develop positive psycho-social attributes.

Specifically, the office aims to support the students to achieve the maximum level of their potential thereby enabling them to be productive citizens to make wise choices, acquire necessary knowledge and skills that are needed in making future career and life decisions, overcome obstacles they face so they can achieve their educational and professional goals and help them enhance their well-being and coping skills.

These are realized in general through the assessment of the student’s needs, conduct of studies on user satisfaction/ effectiveness and delivery of services/ programs that provide students various activities which aims to develop positive habits, appropriate self-management techniques, interest, right attitudes and values in life and by guiding the students in making choices, adjustments and interpretations.

Services and Programs

The programs and services of MarSU-GCO are rendered by professionally trained counsellors and staff and are open to individuals or groups of students in all MarSU campuses free-of-charge. These services include:

Psychological testing and appraisal

This service refers to the administration, interpretation, dissemination, and utilization of standardized psychological tests and other forms of non-psychometric devices that measure mental ability, achievement, aptitude, diagnostic, interest and personality. The result of the test is utilized as basis for placement, counseling and follow-up.

Information service

The GCO provides students with a greater knowledge of educational, vocational, and personal – social opportunities through the different forms of information dissemination strategies and materials that aim to guide the student in making intelligent choices and decisions considering an increasingly complex society.


It is a collaborative process which helps individuals or groups of students to cope with difficulties, make needed changes in ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.


Provide responsive assistance and intervention as requested by concerned clients. Coordination is also being made with other teams of specialists to ensure that specific or special needs of students are met.

Individual inventory

A systematic collection, evaluation and interpretation of data to identify the characteristics and potential of every student and useful in the making proper diagnosis, predicting progress, ensuring accurate placement and providing inputs to program evaluation.

Enrichment and Intervention

The office designs and conducts enrichment and intervention programs to enhance the students’ career and academic skills development strategies, skills for crises management, etc. These programs can be delivered through seminars, trainings, for a, focus group discussions, and consultations to name a few.